Adrians B'day, as i promised, some pics, but i cant get more...
And as for the BBQ, i'll try to upload the pics ASAP, but i din get it this week, so its all up to next time... For now, check this one out...
The rats were first put into Chloroform to kill it...
The dying rats...
When we first got the rat...
The first disection of the rat...
And we were both possiing with the rat...
That is the inside of the rat, the appendix, intestine, live and everything...
That is the inside of the rat, the appendix, intestine, live and everything...
And once again, we were possing...
THAT is something special, it is the foetus of the rat, it is still undeveloped...
And the messiest team award goes to......
The big thing out there is the appendix, its one of the largest organ in a rats body.... WOW...!!!
Can you see the lungs...??? and the heart...???
That was taken after they were dead... How pity...
And that is the collection of foetus of the rats...
How bout some rosted RAT...???? Dont we look cool...hahaha...
The rats wich just arrived, unknowing if their future....(with an evil grin)
I know you can't see much in the ppics above, but that was taken for Geetha and Juin's birthday...
And tha Kang Kung with a price... MAn...he's cheap...
BBQ preparation... look at our serius faces...
Kang Kung updates will come in the next post... hahaha... Bubye...