November 23, 2010

pls read...

ok party is at 7.30...if i din invite u in person..u are still invited...sory, maybe i forgot...hope you guyz will make it there early....i'll bring sharm there at aroung=d 7.40...and we all yell at the top of our lungs supprise...aite...pls be there...Front'ell...(near piramida...)
see ya'll tonight...
n guyz...if i msgd u...that means im calling ur gf, bf, spouse, partner, etc. also....aite...

Sharmilla's 21st birthday...(dun forget to wish her...)

Sharmilla Rudd's birthday today...23rd November...
and also Sai Baba's birthday and 1st day of SPM...
pls wish gud kuck to all SPM students, happy birthday to Sai Baba...and most importantly (for me...) wish happy birthday to Sharm...thnx...chaoz...

and to the ya'll at front'ell at 7.30...pls dun be late...ask for reservation on my name...Shaasi...chaoz...