and here are some of the pics i tuk...
i hope ur pic is in it...if not..
next time confirm...
Before the whole thing started, ad take back seat so can lean and enjoy the show...
all getting ready...
shuldn i have put this pics first..????
d oni black guy...and he found a seat...dats all im saying...
dat is Nod's special SMILE...
personaly, i was jas scared i would blend to the background...
ha........memoriez...we came 2gether to this dreadful place together abt a year ago...
i got dat tang lung for free wei.... THnx Bernard...
i still duno who dat kid is....neva seen b4...\and saw raja possing ar...lolz...
i am not gonna say anything...
dats d white Malaysian over there....haha... great guy...
the lost boy....
here is where Nod mencarut....i still remember...
new trend i guess...the boyz r in 2nd year..and d gals 1st...
d great Chai....
people...dun get the wrong NOT gay...look at the guy lookin at me...he is...
in this one...i totally blended with the background...
my mom alwaz asked me to put on some powder....
2nd years gempak...xcept hose 2 sesat fello's there...
ever heard of the xpression shawty....???
dats mine...
Vinod suka possing........
and Raja also....
the sky lantern.... which din fly far...
dats d MAN...saw d giant speakers n d spear in his hand ar....
i would love to become a lantern...hangin on a stick...
YA RITE....who am i kiding...
i din noe how raja got into d pick...looks like some one stuck d pic in.... bt it kinda luk good though....
Praba...macam kambing masuk kampung....
looks like his totally lost.........
BERNARD still guessing who his gf is...
any ideas...send it to me...
D macho guy....
KHIR *****............
dat dude is from ACMS...we studied together...
and d coolest guy of my brother from CHINA...haha...
we jas so luk alike...lolz......
thise were all the pics i have...hope u enjoyed it...
any comments or if u wanna insult any1......feel free.........
write it down in my shoutbox or as a everyone could read it...
thats all.....
bubye till next time......