July 29, 2008

Geetha and Juin's B'day...

Yup, yesterday was the day, one just turned 20 while the other was 17...

They had some kinda suprise b'day party for them, in the house next to Geetha's current house, Im really sorry i can't provide the pics from the b'day party coz i wasnt involved, me and some of ma frens just went there to show some respect and to wish Happy Birthday...(there were some problem which should not be mentioned)...

But I'm preety sure they had a wonderful birthday party as i saw them outside ma house running and chasing each other with cakes in their hands, and Jim and Juin came to Kennee's house with cakes all over them... (that kinda says it don't it)...

Besides that, i heard Shen How bought them some present or something... If both you gals are reading this, I'd like to say im Sorry coz i din know it was your b'day till a few hours before it... I wasn't informed by anyone... So, its not totaly my fault, (as i said before, some problem came up), but i'll try ti make up for it... I just dunno how....?????????????? @_@

But there will be a party where we can ALL celebrate togehter (being sarcastic...), at least the BBQ thingy we are working on.... I realy hope all of ya'll can join it, though, some already pulled out from the party.... But the party will go on...

And Geetha, if you're reading this, i havnt put up your pic here, it all depends on how you behave... hehehehe... ^_^

And how many of ya'll actually have a blog, other than those i already have in ma link list, if youre in this page rigth now, add a comment in my shoutbox WITH your link.. I'll add you in the list, but of you prefer reamining unknown, its up to you.. (just that if i have your link, i can alwaz visit your blog when we are no more together in ACMS or the UNI we are bout to go...)

Well, this is just a piece of ma mind, next time if you're planning on sunthin, (in case you are) think before you wanna be THE HERO OF THE DAY...Not everyone likes free food, there's something called pride in everyone.. You can be the most generous person on earth, but when you do sumthn by sharing and in a situatuion where everyone is contributing, it'll be a more fun activity... Think bout what OTHERS will think, not you and your group of friends alone... Of the many party I and my friends personaly organized, i dun remember excluding you guyz from participating, (xcept some that would be a bit troublesome)... BUT, incase the intention was to have a privet party or smwhat, just dun invite the others next time... IF you wanna ask people in, ask everybody... Dun just ask people (i dunno, those you like alone...), imagine, if in any of ma parties, if i called your next door friend and din give a damn bout you, what would you feel... Im sorry to say this but many were pissed with your arrangement..

p.s. This msg is not dedicated to any one person or to spoil anyones mood, its just a piece of advise... its totaly up to you to accept it or to ignore it... But you'll know who you are... AND if you're pissed wit me, you can alwaz come find me, we can settle it like men... (if you dare)

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