January 5, 2014

Shut your brain off......!!!!!!

Ok....I'm not saying go be dumb or anything, but you know the time, when you have to do something and you brain goes - later -soon -afterwards n so on.... TURN YOUR BRAIN OFF!!!!! stop your brain from growing the idea more. Stop your brain from watering that thought and breeding it.  Just stop that thought.
Once you have done that, make like a zombie and do what you are supposed to. Get off your ass and do it. Be it blogging or washing the plate, or cleaning the house or for some of you, bathing... (I know.....)
Like the immortal words of Nike, 'just do it'
Just did that for this blog....
Better yet, write down in your book, journal, diary or whatever it is you have, early in the morning, all the things you have to do for the day. Put a specific time beside it. Set your Alarm (for god sake, use that 'smartphone' for at least one good cause) and when the alarm rings, just drop what you are doing and go do it. And if your brain retaliates, read back the topic..... SHUT YOUR BRAIN OFF!!!!!!!!!!

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